You must pay your rent. If you don’t, you may fall into arrears and risk losing your home. It must be paid in advance in accordance with one of the rent payment options. You must pay your rent and service charge on time to avoid falling into arrears.

How do I pay the rent or service charge?

The payment of rent is due in advance on the Monday of each week. If you choose to pay monthly, this must be monthly in advance. Please click on a payment option below for more details.

What do I need to do? Money will be taken automatically from your bank account. Please speak to a member of the Housing Management Team to set up a direct debit.
What do I need to do? Payments can be made on  This safe and secure system means you can pay outside of working hours, making it more convenient than ever to pay your rent.
What do I need to do? Call 0844 557 8321 to make a payment over the phone with your debit card.
What do I need to do? To pay at participating outlets such as the Post Office or at a Payzone.   You can then pay using cash or debit card.
What do I need to do? If you are on a low income, you may be entitled to housing benefit to help pay some or all of your rent.  Please speak to a member of the Housing Management Team for information and advice.

What does the rent cover?

The rent you pay for your home covers the costs of building, maintaining, repairing and improving the properties we own, as well as managing the properties.

Universal Credit

If you receive Universal Credit you will be responsible for paying your rent yourself from your monthly benefits. It helps if you keep housing management staff informed in case there are any problems. 

Rent increases

Rents are reviewed with effect from the first Monday in April every year. If your rent is due to increase in April we must give you not less than one calendar month’s notice of your new rent.  If your rent is decreasing we will aim to give you a month’s notice.

Service charges

If you live in a house or flat that has shared gardens, grounds, entrances or other areas, we are responsible for looking after these. You pay a service charge, on top of your rent, to cover our costs in doing this. Examples of the services covered by this charge include maintaining grounds and door-entry systems. Details of all the services provided form part of your tenancy agreement.

I’m struggling with my finances and need to talk to someone

If you are on a low income or struggling with your finances, our Housing Management Team may be able to help you. You can contact them direct on 01482 210842. All advice is confidential.

How do I know if I’m eligible for Housing Benefits?

If you have a low income, you may be able to get help with your rent and council tax by claiming housing benefit and council tax benefit from the council. The amount you will receive depends on:

  • Who lives with you,
  • How much money you have coming in,
  • Any other benefits you receive,
  • Any savings you have.

My circumstances have changed; do I need to let anyone know?

Yes. Changes in your circumstances could affect how much money you are entitled to. If in doubt, always report any changes to both HCHA and your Local Authority dealing with the Housing Benefit claim.

Rent Statements

Rent Statements will be sent to you quarterly.  If you would like a statement at any time please ask and we will send one to you within 3 working days (or as agreed).

Refunds and Repayments

If your rent account is prepaid you may wish to request a refund. We will ensure that any refund does not result in your rent account being in arrears.

Rent Arrears

HCHA believes it is essential to maximise rental income to protect the provision of quality services.  In addition it is not in the interests of residents to build large debts of rent arrears which are difficult to clear.

Rent accounts are monitored weekly.  We rely on co-operation from and communication with residents to assist where arrears have developed, and will take all reasonable steps to contact you.  If you know that you might have a problem in paying your rent, or have any changes that affect your benefits, then please contact us to let us know.  We can make arrangements with you for reasonable payments.  When we try to contact you we may send a text, email or letter, visit you at home, and telephone your landline or mobile.

Legal Action

Where we are unable to contact you and maintain an agreement to pay the rent and arrears we will pursue legal enforcement and court action for recovery of arrears.  Whilst our priority is to maintain the tenancy and recover rent owed, eviction will be pursued as a last resort.  We will always make every attempt to talk to you before taking any legal action, and will explain the processes to you and give details of where to get independent legal advice.

Ex-tenant arrears

The association also aims to maximise payment of ex-tenant arrears, including any court costs, by use of the range of legal remedies available and using external agencies where necessary.