One of the best ways of checking the quality of our services is to ask customers for their views. Your views matter, and by working in partnership with you, we can make sure that we provide services that you want and value.



We want to ensure choice and involvement are at the heart of our housing management, repairs and maintenance and support services so that:

  • We deliver high quality, person centred services at an affordable price
  • Resident views and opinions help shape service priorities and are taken into account when decisions are made
  • We receive continuous feedback on our services from a customer perspective to inform what needs to change, improve or give better value for money
  • Complaints or concerns about the standard of our services are listened to and we work together to put things right
  • We give information and a chance to consult on matters that affect residents, their homes and neighbourhood, including changes to rent setting, services and key policies
  • We share information on costs to inform consultation and collective decision making e.g. refurbishment plans or services
  • We give timely feedback on the outcomes of relevant individual or collective consultation where it is not immediate
  • We provide information on our performance to all so residents can assess how well we deliver what we promise
  • We enable interested residents to scrutinise what we do in more detail and the opportunity to participate at Board level

How can I get involved?

We can offer you a variety of ways to get involved in the management of your home:

Tenant Board Members

Tenants may get the chance to work with the Board of Management. HCHA is proud to have two tenant Board Members. Please contact us to express an interest in becoming a Tenant Board Member.  We will hold your details until a vacancy becomes available.

Customer Panel

The Customer Panel is made up of volunteer residents. The panel influences policies, strategies and service delivery, as well as reviewing performance information and working with HCHA to improve services from the start.

If you would like to join the Customer Panel please contact us to receive an invitation to the next meeting.

Satisfaction surveys

HCHA conducts a number of satisfaction surveys which is your opportunity to give your opinions on your home and the services that we provide. Your feedback helps us to plan and improve future work.

When you report a repair we will send you a customer satisfaction survey, with a prepaid envelope for you to complete and return once your repair has been completed.  All replies are entered into a quarterly prize draw, the winner receiving a £20 gift voucher.